Carrot & Apple Flapjacks

Healthy(-ish!) Carrot & Apple Flapjacks 

This recipe uses a lot of child-friendly kitchen skills, so a great one to get them involved in!

The flapjacks contain fab-for-you ingredients like oats, apple and carrot, while the portion size is small, so as to moderate the less healthy ingredients (maple syrup is a sugar, just like honey, agave etc. - read up on how sugars are broken down in your body by reading this book with your children)

Healthy Oat Flapjacks with Carrot and Apple


350g Oats (Porridge oats)
1 Apple, grated (skin on)
1 Carrot, peeled & grated
200g Butter
150g Maple Syrup
3 tbsp Sesame Seeds (or a mix of seeds eg. sunflower, pumpkin)

Melt the butter with the maple syrup in a pot or the microwave. Squeeze out some of the liquid from the grated apple and carrot and discard (or drink!). In a large bowl, mix the melted butter and maple syrup with all the other ingredients. Pour mixture out in to a Swiss roll tin (30 x 20 cm approx). Bake at 180C for 25-30 mins. Cut into 32 small flapjacks while still warm and let cool in the tray before lifting out.


Tasks the kids can help with (under supervision):

- Picking out ingredients
- Weighing ingredients
- Scraping Carrots with a Kiddikutter knife or peeler
- Grating
- Mixing all ingredients together

I find this a good one for having in the car on the way home from the school run, to stave off hangry meltdowns!

The small size of these flapjacks means you are controlling the portion size as this recipe is still a treat, and as they taste quite rich, a little goes a long way.